Sunday, November 3, 2013

Living Happily

As I rode home on the metro the other day I noticed an advertisement that struck me.  The advertisement said:  “See how millions of people around the country are living happily WITHOUT religion”  My immediate reaction to the sign was surprise.  “Why would anyone say that? And what benefit does anyone get out of having no religion?  It didn't take me long to realize how easy it would be to believe in no religion.  With no religion there is no sin beyond what would be necessary to adhere to the law of the land.  How much easier life would be if you could live free of the guilt of any wrong doing!  No wonder it would be desirable to live without religion!
However, I know that it is not that way.  Like a child running away from home thinking he is free from the authoritarian rule of restrictive parents who soon learns on his own that what he thought was strict rule was really loving guidance provided by parents who sincerely care. Those who choose to do away with religion will one day face God and know for themselves that what they were escaping was not dictatorial law but instead loving guidance for their own sake.

I know that God loves his children and he gives us rules for our own benefit, not to test us beyond what we can handle so he can watch us fall and burn, but to help us avoid what would be the unavoidable consequences of poor decisions.  Self-indulgenceis not happiness as evidenced by the large number of people in our society either on anti-depressants, chronically depressed, feeling a lack of purpose,or in dysfunctional relationships.God is the guide who shows us how to attain true happiness and purpose by following the principles and rules of religion. 

So as I sat on the train that day and reflected on that advertisement my surprise turned to sorrow for those who choose indulgence and reject religion.   It is sad to think that most people who heed the sign will travel a long road to nowhere.

By Guest Blogger: Brock


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